
Support Network


Our dedicated School Liaison Team is committed to making sure your transition between school and college is a supportive and reassuring one – with innovative online and face-to-face events and activities.

With Independent Information, Advice and Guidance, access to an extensive network of teaching staff and industry experts, we make sure you have access to meaningful and significant experiences to help you make an informed choice with your next steps.

The team offers support on your whole student journey, from application to enrolment, and work closely with North Tyneside Connexions to make sure all young people have the same opportunities.

Support for Schools

Our School Liaison Service offers a wide range of opportunities to support schools with careers and progression advice (Our offer has been developed in line with the 8 gatsby benchmarks to support you in developing your careers programme). 

Every school is different, and 100% of the schools we’ve worked with have agreed our team create a personal and tailored service, with most saying ‘First-hand insight into TyneMet and QA courses’ and ‘Committed support for pupils across a range of techniques’ were the most effective.

Our School Liaison Service Team offers:

  • One-to-one independent advice and guidance
  • Assemblies, workshops, career carousels, parent events, tasters and employability skills
  • Bespoke activities specific to year groups
  • Online support including podcasts, live Q & As, how-to videos, interviews with industry experts and LiveChat
  • Information on extra opportunities at college, including how to apply for apprenticeships
  • Progression opportunities
Students smiling and working


At TyneMet, we also offer a wide range of higher education courses. To help your Sixth Form students choose the correct next step, our School Liaison Service offers support and guidance with:

  • Course information sessions (which can be a presentation, workshop or whatever suits your students best)
  • UCAS applications
  • Funding and financial advice
  • Progression opportunities
Student on his phone

Meet the Team

Sandie BestSchool Liaison Officer Email
Chris HardingSchool Liaison Officer Email

Get in touch

Our team is always ready to help. So if you have questions on courses, your career, or anything else, complete this contact form and we’ll be in touch.